Monday, September 22, 2008

Kid's Class

Hi All,

Well, what a day! Jenny & myself held a kid's class this morning, along with a couple of mums & one dad who sat down and had a stamp along with the kid's.

I had the little ones and boy, were they busy! There were stamps, inks, glue, etc flying all over the table, but all having a great time, including myself. Not one card or bookmark were the same, which is great as it lets them use their imagination and creative sides.
The picture is the "Master Plan" as I have always called the original cards, but believe, none come out looking the same. It just goes to show how creative they were.
Some couldn't wait to get home with their card & bookmark to show their mums and dads, while others just left the table & then sat on the floor and played with toys which were everywhere, but hey, that is part of the fun.
Until next time, enjoy!
Vicky & Jenny

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